
Search results

Your search returned 68 results.

Scalable and efficient generation of mouse primordial germ cell-like cells

Xinbao Ding, Liangdao Li, Jingyi Gao, et al.

Selected by Carly Guiltinan

Single-cell epigenomic reconstruction of developmental trajectories in human neural organoid systems from pluripotency

Fides Zenk, Jonas Simon Fleck, Sophie Martina Johanna Jansen, et al.

Selected by Manuel Lessi

Generating human neural diversity with a multiplexed morphogen screen in organoids

Neal D. Amin, Kevin W. Kelley, Jin Hao, et al.

Selected by Monica Tambalo

A Single Laccase Acts as a Key Component of Environmental Sensing in a Broad Host Range Fungal Pathogen

Nathaniel M. Westrick, Eddie G. Dominguez, Christina M. Hull, et al.

Selected by UofA IMB565

Bovine blastocyst like structures derived from stem cell cultures

Carlos A. Pinzón-Arteaga, Yinjuan Wang, Yulei Wei, et al.

Selected by Carly Guiltinan

Stem cell-derived mouse embryos develop within an extra-embryonic yolk sac to form anterior brain regions and a beating heart

Gianluca Amadei, Charlotte E Handford, Joachim De Jonghe, et al.


Mouse-embryo model derived exclusively from embryonic stem cells undergo neurulation and heart development

Kasey Y.C. Lau, Hernan Rubinstein, Carlos W. Gantner, et al.

Selected by Monica Tambalo et al.

Plakoglobin is a mechanoresponsive regulator of naïve pluripotency

Timo N. Kohler, Joachim De Jonghe, Anna L. Ellerman, et al.

Selected by Ilaria Di Meglio

Absolute Scaling of Single-Cell Transcriptomes Reveals Pervasive Hypertranscription in Adult Stem and Progenitor Cells

Yun-Kyo Kim, Miguel Ramalho-Santos

Selected by Vanessa Luzak

Comparative analysis of cattle breeds as satellite cell donors for cultured beef

Lea Melzener, Shijie Ding, Rui Hueber, et al.

Selected by Alexander Ward

Microstructured hydrogels to guide self-assembly and function of lung alveolospheres

Claudia Loebel, Aaron I. Weiner, Jeremy B. Katzen, et al.

Selected by Julio Sainz de Aja

Transplantable human thyroid organoids generated from embryonic stem cells to rescue hypothyroidism

Mírian Romitti, Barbara de Faria da Fonsecaa, Gilles Doumont, et al.

Selected by Anna Meier

Epicardial HDAC3 promotes myocardial growth through a novel microRNA pathway

Jihyun Jang, Guang Song, Qinshan Li, et al.

Selected by Anna Meier
